NLMK Group Corporate University receives the Grand Prix of the SMART Pyramid Award 2022 — news


Dec '22

NLMK Group Corporate University receives the Grand Prix of the SMART Pyramid Award 2022



The SMART Pyramid Award 2022 ceremony for achievements in training and human capital development took place on December 7 as part of the 7th Russian Corporate Training Forum. NLMK Group’s Corporate University submitted its learning solution Systems Approach and Data Analysis for the competition and it was recognized as the best corporate training programme.

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The programme aims to improve the quality of decisions made in the company by using a systematic approach in identifying problems, analyzing data, formulating and evaluating hypotheses. The jury noted the integrated approach to teaching systems thinking, the use of modern tools for working with data, and the flexibility of the solution designed for managers of various fields.

The SMART Pyramid Award was established by the Organizing Committee of the HR Directors Summit as part of the HR Award. The Award has been held since 2011 in cooperation with a specialist jury, which includes top HR managers of large Russian and international companies.

In 2021, NLMK Group’s Corporate University won second place in the Best Corporate Training Programme of the Year category with the Foremen School Leadership Development Programme. The Grand Prix at the SMART Pyramid Award 2022 confirmed that the Corporate University continues to develop the best corporate training programmes.


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