Watt Hall

Watt Hall

3rd floor
m2, area
Watt Transformable Hall on the 3rd floor of the Corporate University campus is named after the Scottish engineer, mechanic and inventor James Watt (1736-1819).

A man is always disgraced by taking upon him an employment he is unfit for.
James Watt

The legend has it that, when he invented the steam engine, the scientist was inspired by a boiling kettle. He noticed how the steam jet made the lid hop and contemplated the force of this medium. Yet, this is just a myth. The fact is that James Watt made significant improvements to the already existing steam engine designed by Thomas Newcomen.
A metal factory owner Matthew Boulton took interest in Watt’s work and negotiated a partnership. In 1782, Watt designed the first double-acting steam engine. Alongside further minor improvements, this design enabled an increase in productivity by a factor of four and above. Additionally, the engine became easier to control.
A unit of power was given Watt’s name too. His steam engine played a crucial role in the industrial revolution and mechanization of manufacturing. Moreover, Watt holds credit for many other inventions and discoveries: mercury gauge, water gauge for boilers, copy ink, pressure gauge.

About the space:

This two-piece modular space on the 3rd floor of the Corporate University campus can be rearranged quickly and easily into two independent rooms.


Technical equipment

Modern IT equipment and everything you need for events of different formats
2 pcs.
Video Wall (9 X 55" Display)
2 pcs.
Ceiling microphone array
2 pcs.
VKS 500-720p (codec)
2 pcs.
PTZ auto-guidance camera, 20x optical zoom, HDMI, 3G-SDI
4 pcs.
Microphones for combined mode
4 pcs.
The buttonhole microphone
2 pcs.
The Clicker
1 pcs.
It is possible to expand the equipment on request
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